Friday, May 4, 2012

The Psidium Research and Development Foundation

From left to right P.lucidumP.lucidumP. cattleianumP. cattleianum

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The Psidium Research & Development Foundation (PRDF) is a non-profit organization with a goal to stimulate research and development in the field of Psidium (Guavas) species especially the invasive Psidium cattleianumP. littorale and P. lucidum that are currently considered to one of the biggest single invasive species treats to the native subtropical rainforests of Hawaii and the Hawaiian National Forests.

These three tree plants within the Guava family are native to Brazil, they were introduced to Hawaii by the british around 1825 and are often referred to as Waiawi (pronouced Why-we) in Hawaiian or as Strawberry Guavas in English, SG's are fairly distant relatives to Common Guava (P. guajava). Eventhough the fruits are edible and the wood and leaves are used by people in Hawaii, the SG's are currently considered to have almost no commercial value. There are  an estimate made in 2010 declaring that the cost of clearing SG's from Hawaii's National Forrest to about 367 million US Dollar.

 Before the existance of PRDF there were some research from 1980 into the invasive SG's with focused on bio-control, land-clearing, seed dispersion by pigs and other animals, genetics and landscape coverage of the SG based on GIS estimations. Hereof 1.2 million US dollars were spent on research of the Brazilian clonal gall forming bug Tectococcus ovatus that are a natural predator on SG's in Brazil, I started my research in 2006 working on the Genetics of SG, and trough my research I found there are a lot more to learn about these invaisive trees, and that they have a lot of medical and practical potential that have yet to be tapped into.

The current goals of Psidium Research and Development Foundation is to look into a broader field of research and development of SG's and creating awareness of the SG's as invasive trees that are damaging and ruining the fragile natural and unique forests of Hawaii.
As part of this work we have developed Waiawi Naturals, a charity brand that uses SG, as one of it's ingredients, Waiawi Naturals are currently producing bath salts and soaps. For more information about the Waiawi Naturals Brand, see

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Psidium Forsknings og Utviklings Stiftelsen

Fra venstre til høyre P.lucidumP.lucidumP. cattleianum og P. cattleianum
 Psidium Forsknings og Utviklings Stiftelsen (PRDF) er en veldedig organisasjon med det formål å stimulere forskning og utvikling på Psidium (Guavaer) arter og spesielt de ugress aktige treplantene P. cattleianumP. littorale og P. lucidum som allrede regnes noe de mest truende og invaderendes artene i de sub-tropiske Hawaiiske regnskogenes og Hawaiis Nasjonal Parkenes artsmangfol. 

Disse 3 treplantene innen Guava familien hører til i Brasil, og ble introdusert til Hawaii av britene rundt 1825 og blir ofte omtalt som Waiawi (Uttales Wai-Wi) på Hawaiisk eller som Jordbœrguava (Strawberry Guavas på engelsk), Waiawi er en relativt fjern slekning av Vanlig Guava aka Eple Guava (P. guajava). Selv om Waiawi fruktene er spiselige, treverket og bladene brukes runt om på de Hawaiiske øyene regnes de som tilnœrmet uten øknomisk verdi.   I 2010 ble det antatt at kosnadene for å fjerne uønskede Waiawi skoger fra de Hawaiiske Nasjonal Parkene til omtrent 367 millioner US dollar. 

Før PRDF har det blitt gjort endel forskning på Waiawi siden 1980, men dette har vœrt rettet mer på bruk av biokontrol, frøsprednings mønstere fra vill griser, fugler og andre dyr. GIS for satelitt utregnet dekning av Waiawi i skogene. Herav har det blitt brukt omtrent 1.2 millioner US dollar på Waiawiens naturlige fiende fra Brasil i form av et insekt som lager blad galle på kun Waiawi arter.

Psidium Forsknings og Utviklings Stiftelsens mål er å få ett mer bredt perspektiv ved å drive frem grunnforskning, både i laboratorium og direkte i felten. Utvikle nye mårter å få kunnskap, krativitet og alternative metoder som kan bedre balansere Waiawi fra ett problem til mulig nytte for Hawaii og andre plasser, ettersom Waiawi ikke bare er et problem på de Hawaiiske øyene men og på global skala.
  Waiawi Naturals, er vår første trinn i utvikling av positiv bruk av Waiawi, som også er en nøkkel ingrediens i alle våre Waiawi Naturals veldedige produkter. Waiawi Naturals produserer så langt badesalt og såper. For mer informasjon om Waiawi Naturals Merket, se

Thursday, October 13, 2011

PRDF Our Mission, goals and Structure

From left to right P.lucidum, P.lucidum, P. cattleianum, P. cattleianum


To save the endangered native forests of Hawaii, of which thousands of plants and animals that only exist in Hawaii are at risk.

The Psidium Research and Development Foundation has a goal to assist, guide and develop a holistic restoration of the endangered Hawaiian National Forests.

Our approach is to work on getting new insight on how to handle invasive plants with a major focus on the three major forms of Waiawi (AKA Strawberry Guavas).
Company Overview
The Psidium Research and Development Foundation has a goal to assist, guide and develop a holistic restoration of the endangered Hawaiian National Forests.

Our approach is to work on getting new insight on how to handle invasive plants with a major focus on the three major forms of Waiawi (AKA Strawberry Guavas).
PRDF is in three parts that work as one,
Fund-raising with volunteer work to save the native forests of Hawaii before it is too late, we are always looking for more volunteers, or donations for this cause..

Laboratory based research looking into the genetics, physiology, soil chemistry , biochemistry, nutritional value and potentials of the current largest problem for the Forests of Hawaii, the Waiawi which were introduced here in 1825.

Field based research working in field with manual removal of Waiawi, restorational planting of viable native plants to prevent Waiawi and other invasive problem plants like Ginger or African Tulip Trees to re-invade a newly cleared field plot.